Friday, November 27, 2015

Callaway Gardens Twilight 10K Race Review

This race is important to me, nay, nostalgic.  When I decided to start taking running seriously this was the race that I set as my 'BIG' goal.  The girl that struggled to run a mile set her sights on a 10K.  It seemed impossible but 2 years ago I did it.  I have run this race ever since.  This year it was on November 7 and in previous years it has been a dice roll on the weather.  The first year was nice and I ran in shorts, second year I ran in a jacket and my ears got cold.  This year it was back in shorts, but  big hat to keep the rain drops off.

This race is a 'twilight' 10K (starting at 4pm) and the course winds though the Callaway Gardens Fantasy of Lights course.  Now the actual course is massive, but this run takes runners through only a part of it, but the parts you run through are truly magical. 

Arrival - Packet Pickup

This race only offers race day packet pickup.  I was aware of this so I know to arrive early.  This  helped me beat the line-ups and not feel stressed or rushed.  The race fee was only $30 and for that the packet included parking for the event (otherwise it would have been an additional $9), a T-shirt that has been a very annoying bright green or yellow and a heavy screen print of the logo, coupons, deodorant, and snacks.  Honestly, the snacks are worth the race fee.  After packet pickup Callaway Gardens offers runners water, Gatorade, granola bars, cookies, and bananas.  So while waiting for the race to start, runners can fuel up on variety of treats.

My race partner was also with me.  She has 2 young kids and there were lots of playgrounds, giant checker games, shuffle board, and other great things to occupy young minds.  About 20 minutes before the race start Callaway Gardens plays "T'was the night before Christmas' and lights up a nativity scene.  A great way to start the night.

At about 10 minutes until race start, Running Partner and I begin our walk to the start line.  This is a short walk along the water's edge to the start line through a wooded area by the parking lot.  My first time there I was confused, but just follow other runners and you'll find the way.  We got to the start line, stretched and waited for the gun.  There were some brief announcements and then we were off.  The clock started at 4pm but they launched us a few minutes after, which slowed some PR times down, but not mine, I'm slow anyway.

The Course

One reason I keep coming back to this race is the beautiful course.  It is advertised that it is 'fast and flat' but expect some hilly areas.  There are aid stations offered every 1.5 miles.  The first 2 or so miles of the course are flat and then you can expect rolling hills (see course elevation below).

By itself the course is stunning, through wooded areas, along lakes, over bridges, through meadows and around some stunning scenery.  THEN this course adds their holiday lights and it is a truly spectacular race. 



The course is, again, advertised as 'fast and flat' but I would honestly more describe this course has 'rolling hills'.  I think if my expectations were different, I would have enjoyed this course better the first time around.  However, this was my third time and I really enjoyed it.  I expected the rolling hills and loved the additional challenge of a 135ft elevation gain.  Not terribly hilly, but not 'flat' either.  The course wraps around a picturesque lake but there are lots of wooded areas and meadows to enjoy.  The course is not closed to vehicle traffic that is full of people also enjoying the lights so one should always be aware of who or what is coming up behind in a blind spot. 

Course Elevation Map

The race ends at the same spot as the start and then it is a short walk back to the pavilion where the snacks are.  It was nice to have fresh fruit, cookies and Gatorade after the race.  All in all, I really recommend this race.  This was the last year of the "Twilight 10K fitness series".  Next year Callaway Gardens will team up with Tri Columbus to do this race in December.  I do hope that it is a twilight run and on the same course.  If so, I'll certainly be back for a 4th year.

Things I wish I had known:

* Race day packet pickup can be busy. I usually stress before a race so knowing I had to line up and get my packet then go back to my car, drop off the bags, then walk to the race start was helpful.
* Very little spectator support on the course.  The spectators are really only at the start/finish line and no where on the course, unless they pass you in a car as they also enjoy the lights.
* The weather.  It can vary from sun to chilly weather to rain.  November in Georgia can be difficult weather to predict.  Keep checking the conditions before the race day.
* Parking is $9 if you are not running the race, but you get to enjoy the lights while the runners are on the course.
* To not forget to enjoy the lights.  I struggle often with the mental aspect of running and I frequently forget to enjoy the surroundings. 
* The small walk from the pavilion where the packet pickup to the start line.  My first time I was confused about why all the runners were leaving.  It unnerved me a little but just followed along and found the start line.