Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Russell Forrest 10K Run - Alexander City, Alabama

When Running Partner and I were planning our last race together (she is moving to Wisconsin), we wanted to do a 10K because we had just run our Callaway Half Marathon and were in prime condition for a 10K (did we even need to train?!?!...actually yes).  So in seachring for various races, I came across the Russell Forrest Run.   I liked that the race was advertised as a break from the traditional road run.  The website says the route is constructed of soft, sand-like, clay, and gavel trails through a wooded area.  It also says that it is more forgiving than a road race.  Which, after our half marathon, I was really looking forward to.

So the race, obviously, was on February 27, 2016 in Alexander City, AL.  I had driven over from Georgia on Friday night and booked a room at the recommended Hampton Inn on Elkahatchee Road. The organizers of the race recommended this hotel for it's proximity to the race.  What I love about the Hampton Inns are the breakfasts in the early morning.  It is a great way to start a race morning with hot oatmeal, yogurt, fruit, and hard boiled eggs...yum.

Race Day - Up at 5:30am to get to the breakfast area early.  Running Partner and I stayed at the same hotel so we were able to eat breakfast together. We sat and ate and met a few other runners who were also running that day...two 5Kers and a 10Ker.  They were a fun group and got us really excited about the race.  Running Partner and I left at about 6:30am and started the drive to the race site.

6:45am.  The great thing about the Hampton Inn is that it was only 12 miles to the race start.  Which sounds like a long way but it was a straight shot down country roads.  It was a nice drive to the race start on the early Saturday morning.  Running Partner and I parked the car and went up to the clubhouse to get our packets.  The volunteers were fantastic, there was no wait, and the shirts were amazing.  Very nice technical material, long sleeve shirts.  They were grey with this logo:

7:00am After a bit of waiting and talking to the awesome runners waiting to launch, the race started via cannon blast.  We went through the chute and started a very nice descent along a paved bike path.  We went past some stables and saw some great horses grazing in the pastures.  We then went on to clay/loose/sandy trail-like paths about 1.5 car widths across and the hills started.  They started as rolling but got steeper as the race wore on.  I think the problem for me was that it was unexpected.  I didn't do my research before the race so the hills were a bit of a surprise. However, the scenery was stunning through beautiful wooded areas.  The map and elevation profile are below but I can't say enough wonderful things about this race.  I LOVE the volunteers.  They all kept shouting out the times as we ran by which was really helpful, they were so encouraging and very positive.  The only thing I wish they had more of was water.  There was only one aid station at mile 3 which, again, was unexpected so I was really thirsty and really wanted some liquids but it was my fault for not doing research.  


Elevation - 400ft elevation gain

Post Race - After the race, which for us was PR with the elevation gain, the terrain, and the different running environment, we walked a short way (sadly mostly up hill) back to the stables that we passed on the way out.  We went up to a barn and climbed up the stairs to the post party.  BEST post race party!  Great music, loved being in the barn, lots of cold beer, cold Gatorade and water, sweet potato soup and huge helpings of grits and with a topping bar including bacon, cheese and other wonderful things to put on the grits.  We got our plates and actually headed outside into the sun.  It turned from a little chilly AM to a gorgeous day.  We sat outside, talked to other runners, ate our food rewards, and enjoyed the live music.  It was a great way to end our last race together.  Eventually we walked up the hill and met her family.  They played on the park equipment, went to the Blacksmith shop and the Nature Cabin (lots of great stuff for the kids) and then we went to Catherine's Market.  Lots of wonderful goodies in the Market so definitely go and check that out after the race if you are not full with all the post race yummies.

I know I've said this before, but this may be my favourite race!  Certainly worth the trip to Alexander City.  The organization made this great video.  You'll see a tall girl in a white jacket stretching her legs about 30 seconds in, that's ME.