Thursday, October 8, 2015

Lost Sight

Training for 4 half marathons in 6 months, to some is an easy feat as you just have to maintain your level of fitness instead of building up to the distance.  To me, it became an un-enjoyable task - like work almost.  In training for these races I got too caught up in training for the distances and the time.  I was too focused on mile splits, race times, and the finish times I had simply lost sight of WHO was doing the races.

And the funny thing is...I didn't realize it until I saw this picture from Swim Bike Mom.  Me, the girl who struggled to run to a gas station, who used to cry when she couldn't run past than the stop sign, the girl whose husband WALKED behind her while she ran to motivate her, the girl who was inspired at a HalfIron race to do more, to be better, to work harder.  THAT is the girl that did 4 half marathons in 6 months.

I'm not fast.  I'm not a good runner.  I'm not going to win any races, turn any heads, or make any teams.  But I am strong.  I am dedicated.  I am up and out the door consistently at 3:30am getting my morning run on.  I work hard,

Maybe I'm a 12 min/mile runner.  Maybe that is me.  Why am I not happy with that?

I should be.  I need to be.  So I decided to go back to the basics.  I decided to go back to running shorter, more fun distances because that is when I was enjoying running.  I am no longer going to focus on the races or the times.  I'm going to focus on me and what accomplishments I am doing.

For example.  On Wednesday I ran just under 3 miles.  I used to think that was out of my reach.  Now it's considered my 'short run'.  I wasn't fast.  In fact I was slower than I had been in the past.  But you know what?  I ran the WHOLE thing (save having to stop at a stop light for a turning truck).  And you know what else?  I enjoyed it!

So cheers to you!  Cheers to you getting up and doing your morning run.  To you and your cold weather gear that you're getting out of the closet in anticipation for the winter.  For having the strength and dedication to keep running when you aren't fast, you aren't elite, you aren't winning any races - but you do it anyway!  YOU are amazing.  YOU are strong.  YOU are inspiring.

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