Monday, August 3, 2015

Running in the Dark

I've been meaning to write this post for a few days but since I've started back at school my time is a little more limited - no more sleeping in, working for a few ours before going for my nap.  Ah well, such as life.

As I've explained in the past, I am an avid night runner.  Mostly because of the intense Georgia heat in the summer.  But also because by 7am my workout is done.  It also helps me to start my day off well and I often feel floppy (didn't I say that was my  new word?!?) on days that I do not work out - ie those 'rest' days. 

So I end up getting up when it is still technically night.  My running app defaults my run title to 'night run' on these mornings.  But night running is so different than day running for many reasons:

1) Routes - I would NEVER recommend running in a park at night.  Crazies  hang out in parks at night, haven't you seen the movies where the drug dealer who is all hopped up on downers comes out of nowhere and kills the heroine (pun intended)?  No?  Then you aren't watching the right movies  :)  Anyway, seriously.  Often times parks are well lit, however, there are so many crevices where the crazies can skulk and jump out and get you.  Stick to streets where if there is a problem, hopefully a passerby is waiting to assist you.

2) Clothing - In night running something reflective is necessary, nay, mandatory.  A belt at the very least and I often see smarties running with reflector vests.  I love it.  I have reflectors on my hat, my wrist, my belt, and my shoes at the bare minimum.  This will help you be seen by tired motorists or distracted drivers as they make their way to their late night destinations.

3) Blinking - Is something you are wearing blinking or glowing?  This is another mandatory item for night running.  This not only helps with visibility but also helps confuse the crazies.  It may also scare them away as why would you want to attack something that is blinking that will clearly draw attention?   It will also help you be seen if you have to veer on to the road if there is debris on the side walk or *gasp* no sidewalk at all.

4) Known Routes - This sort of goes back to number 1 but NEVER go on a running adventure at night.  You may end up in CrazyTown capitol or you may end up lost or twist an ankle (oh I didn't know that sidewalk was all jacked up) and then you are not only away from home, but you might not know where you are.

5) Buddies - In my case this hasn't happened but it is always smart to run with a buddy.  Especially at night.  Crazies are less likely to attack groups of people and if you get hurt, your buddy can stop your Garmin for you...and call for help obviously. 

6) Traffic - Should go without saying but ALWAYS run towards the traffic.  It is sort of counter intuitive but runners who run towards oncoming cars stay alive.  A motorist is more likely to see you if you are coming straight at them.  They are motivated not to hit you (no one wants a vehicular manslaughter charge, plus a messed up car).  Even in the day light hours, run INTO traffic, no matter what your mama told you as a child  :)

In my opinion you have to be smarter when running at night.  And if you are smart about it, it can be a great way to start your day. 

Enjoy the night run. 

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