Monday, July 27, 2015

Silk Sheets Ride Review

When I was talking to a friend about training for the Half Iron relay, specifically about the bike portion, she said "If you can do Silk Sheets, you'll tear up Augusta's bike route".  I totally nodded and feigned like I absolutely knew what she was talking about.  Silk Sheets?  What?

Then when Broken Pelvis and I started biking some serious distances, she sent me the map for Silk Sheets and remembering my conversation in the past about the Augusta bike route, I was eager to go.

Broken Pelvis, and another friend at the church with the red door

We met, with another friend, at "the church with the red door' off of Hwy 92/166 in Douglasville, across from the Texaco Station and saddled up.  There are many distance options.  There are 13 miles, 26 miles, 37 miles, 54 miles and 60 miles.  We chose the 26 mile Northern Extension loop as our first try.

We left the church and turned right onto Church Rd.  There is a short downhill until you stop and slight right onto Cochran Mill Rd.  This road has about a 10 mile climb.  It is good to get these hills out of the way early as I'd hate to see what I'd be like doing those hills at the end of my loop.  But my legs were burning and Broken Pelvis does not like the uphills every much.  She does enjoy screaming with joy on the downhills however. 

After the monster climb, we turned right onto Hutcherson Ferry Rd.  This is not as hilly as Cochran Mill Rd and I enjoyed the big downhill at the beginning, also laughing as Broken Pelvis screams her way to the bottom of the hills.  From there we turn right onto Rico Rd.  I was awfully tired of the hills at this point, my legs were feeling the rolling hills of this route I saw this huge hill looming in the distance.  I told Broken Pelvis that yes, we can do this just as she yelled "Rico Road - Right turn NOW!"

Rico Rd and Brandy Redwine Rd are very rolling although Brandy Redwine has a few big climbs.  Along these roads are some beautiful homes and lovely scenery for you to enjoy.  The people you pass are fun and cheerful and the day today was gorgeous for a bike ride.

There were a few turns (sorry, I lost my map during the ride) and then we ended up on Cochran Mill Rd. again where the monster climb we had at the beginning, well we could ride all the way down it now which was nice.  It was a nice recovery downhill and we covered some miles quicly.  Then it was back up to the church with the red door, a quick selfie and then home!

Some helpful points

* Beautiful ride, so scenic and picturesque.
* Be comfortable with traffic.  Early weekend mornings are best but if you panic at a car passing, this is not the route for you. There is no path, you are on the road with the cars.
* Be comfortable with hills.  Broken Pelvis and I had been doing the Silver Comet trail where there are lots of false flats.  There is nothing flat about Silk Sheets.  Nice and rolling but some tough and long climbs.
* Be SO careful crossing S. Fulton Pkwy.  The cars go very fast so make sure you take extra care.
* Donate money to the church parking so they continue to let cyclists park there.  It is a small kindness but we don't want it taken away.
* Signal your turns.  We all know passing cars are well motivated not to hit us but also make it easy for them so they know where you are going.  I saw TOO many people  not do this and I thought it was unkind and dangerous. 
* ENJOY the ride.  The hills can be arduous but look around every once in a while, there is pretty landscape all around you.

Here is my ride profile -

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