Wednesday, July 22, 2015

10 Miles...UGH!

Some days I have amazing runs where I am like a gazelle.  Some days I feel like I have lead in my feet and just couldn't make my legs move forward.

Today was one of those days.

Today was my long run of 10 miles as I am in training for my September half marathon... First the Diva half marathon and then the half marathon as part of the half Ironman.  Here is what went through my mind:

Mile 1
WOW I feel really good, I'm totally going to PR this run.

Mile 2
Why does my back hurt?  Suck it up, push those negative thoughts away.

Mile 3
That felt like a really fast mile.

Mile 4
Whew, let's walk a tick, I'm having a great run let's walk it out for a minute.

Mile 5
Ok, back still hurts, walk so we don't get injured.

Mile 6 *checks Garmin*
Ugh, I'm slow, I need to pick this up.

Mile 7
Can't. Move. My Feet.  *wheeze*

Mile 8
Ugh.  I'm already slow, might as well walk and then tear through mile 9 and 10.

Mile 9
How am I not further along, I feel like I've been running for 4 hours.

Mile 10
THANK sweet baby Jesus in his heavenly manger I am finished. 

I was almost a full 40 sec/mile slower than I usually am and I was so exhausted and cranky and tired and every other adjective that means the same thing.  I have no idea why some runs are great and some are terrible.  I try and keep my diet consistent and my sleep patterns solid (I do like my sleep) so it really could be a slight variation in my routine that leads to a bad run day.

We all have them but they don't define us as runners.  I am not a fast runner but I also don't need to walk as much as I did on this run.  I can do better and plan to use this run to motivate myself next week when I do my next long run.   

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