Monday, July 13, 2015

Blogging? Seriously? Why?

I haven't really told anyone that I am doing a blog.  Mostly because I don't think anyone would read it and if they did, they probably wouldn't like it, or laugh at my jokes, and they might make fun of it.  But I thought I might need an outlet for what I'm trying to do.

And what is that exactly?

Honestly, I don't really know.  I started running about five years ago because I became unhealthy and overweight.  My husband actually brought it up to me.  I tell the story and everyone is shocked that he would approach his wife about her weight.  But honestly, it needed to happen.  I was unhappy and fat and sad a lot of the time.  He started running with me and I struggled to run to the stop sign and back.  He is in better shape that I am so I am sure it was laughable watching him literally walk behind me as I tried to 'run' to the stop sign and back. 

About two years ago I witnessed my amazing sister and best friend of thirty-years complete a half Ironman.  It was am amazing feat that I was proud to witness.  I felt tears well up in my eyes when they came down the chute towards the finish line and something clicked in me.  I didn't need to be running my miniscule distances that I had been in an attempt to call myself a 'runner'.  See I had convinced myself that running 1.6 miles three days a week made me a 'runner'.  Seeing them complete this half Iron woke me up a bit.  So I literally took off.

My husband had tried to motivate me by telling me he'd take me out for a 'special dinner' if I could run to the gas station and back.  A whopping two miles in total.  I struggled and fought and cried and I couldn't make.  Until after the half Iron.  My first run after that was three miles and since then I've just kept going. 

So in the past two years since I kicked up  my running I've completed six 5Ks, one 5 miler, four 10Ks, one 15K, two half marathons, two sprint triathlons, and completed the swim portion of a half Iron relay. 

So, in a nut shell, I am an overly stressed teacher with summers off (but honestly, we rarely take them 'off'), I am proudly Canadian but currently live in the great state of Georgia with my overly honest husband (no, no kids - long story for another blog), and I'm trying to figure out what's next in my life.  Here is a picture of me finding the world hilarious:

Oh, and the title of this blog?  "Splash" - for the swim of a triathlon.  I've been swimming for thirty years and completed the 1.2 miles of the half Iron swim in 29:47 (a accomplishment that I am SO proud of and even have a poster with my time on it in my classroom).  "Flash" - for the speeds you can, and should, get up to on the bike portion.  I've only just started biking recently but I love the freedom it provides.  "Dash" - for the run obviously.  I'm a terribly slow runner but I have to keep telling myself that a 6 min/mile or a 16 min/mile - I still ran a mile. 

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