Monday, July 20, 2015

It's Not About the Time ...

I've mentioned this a few times already but I have really low self esteem.  I've tried to fight it, I've really worked to overcome it, but I just can't. So now I own it.  Yeah, I got low self-esteem - YAY!

Let me tell you about our cyclist (as I am learning, bikers ride Harley's, cyclists ride bikes) she is utterly amazing - which by the way does not help my self esteem.  She is tall, gorgeous, super smart, inspirational, magnificent, hilarious, and excels in just about everything she does.  Oh she wants to run a marathon - killed it in about 4 months.  We go biking to master hills, I'm struggling to catch up to her and she is at the top of the hill touching up her hair and make-up.  Essentially, when I grow up, I want to be like her. I've nicknamed her 'Fashionista" Here she is:

So, a phenomenal person, a great biker (she KILLED it last year), and an amazing friend. 

Anyway - this had lead me to really worry about my relay this year because I'm doing the swimming AND the running.  Running - I am SO slow!  But I try and I try really hard. 

I had a conversation with my relay buddy and told her my woes.  She told me not to worry about it as long as I finished.  Then I found this picture

This picture made me feel better.  YES - focus on the finish, on the journey that we did together, not about the times.  So what if we come in last (I'm pretty sure we did last year but there was the broken pelvis), we finished and we completed another amazing journey

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