Friday, July 24, 2015

The Diet

I struggle with my diet a lot.  Partly because the husband, Senor Honesty, LOVES to eat out.  He grew up a little lower class and going out to eat was always considered a luxury.  He's worked very hard to get a great job and provide for our family - and he believes we can afford to go out and eat so we should. 

When I was heavy and sad all the time my diet didn't even occur to me.  I used to eat marshmallows for breakfast - Ok don't judge me, I already said I was unhappy most of the time.  I know there is zero nutritional value in marshmallows but I didn't care. 

I do fight with my diet even when I self-regulate.  I moved from marshmallows to bagels with peanut butter.  Ok, more healthy than marshmallows so I do get some credit ok?  But I also know I had more work to do. 

I work out in the mornings, as I discussed because of the Georgia heat.  So by the time a regular breakfast came about, I was starving.  I typically have to eat 2 breakfasts.  One before I leave the house after a workout and one close to when the students come so I can make it to my 1pm allotted lunch time 

So I really needed to get my diet sorted out.  I am a big reader of swim bike mom, if you do not follow her, please do.  She has a frequent poster who is a dietician and that's really helped me, to see other people not only working out in the same fashion as I am, but struggling with their diets so they don't flop around 10am because they students have simply worn me out.  I am on my feet all day so that is adds to my floppiness (is that a word?)

Anyway I am proud to say my breakfasts have matured to hardboiled eggs, bananas, turkey sausage, yogurt, and oatmeal.  Obviously not all at once but nice little mixing and matching there.  Lunches still allude me.  I only get 20 minutes for lunch each day so lunch will have to be something that is quick and can get me through the rest of the day.  My snacks are now veggies and either hummus or ranch dressing.  Rarely do I eat chips but when I do they are 100% multigrain. 

SO - I am definitely making progress.  I haven't had marshmallows for breakfast in years and I can look back on it with disgust.  But when you are  heavy and unhappy you tend to eat things that make you feel happy - you think 'I'm fat anyway, what's this going to do'. 

All of these implementations have happened this summer so the real test is when the school year starts and I can judge my floppiness - that is my new word, I just love it.


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