Saturday, July 18, 2015

The Rest Day

Before I really started training I did not believe in this.  I really thought that in order to get better, you must do it and do it again and then do it again.  I could rest between workouts - as in I get up early Monday morning to run, then run again Tuesday afternoon.  I'd have a whole day to 'rest'.  Yup, that didn't work.  So I've really tried to stick with the rest days that are built into my training schedule.  Not only does it help the muscles, but it helps to prevent overtraining - which I learned the hard way is a real thing. 

Yesterday was a rest day for me and I took advantage of it.  In Georgia in the summer - well it gets hot.  So I try to get up early for my runs before the sun comes up.  If you do this too, please make sure you are well marked - meaning, are you glowing or blinking?  Are you wearing reflectors?  Are your headphones WAY down so you can  hear cars or prowlers or creepy people lurking in bushes?  Are you running in well lit places?  Are you running in known neighbourhoods?  If yes, good on ya!  If no...well why not?

Anyway - since I get up early before the sun comes up, on my rest day I was so loving sleeping in.  I drove my  husband to work and then you know what?  I went back to bed!  Then I  had a nap around noon!  I was surprised at how much I was sleeping as obviously in the busy school year I cannot take 2 naps a day - although the Department of Education should really research that.  But then I realized something, maybe my body needs it.  Being a triathlete you really put your body through a pounding.  The rest days are not only for your body, but I think for your mind too.  It is nice to know that I don't have to get in the pool for a hour, or haul up hills on my bike, or pound the pavement for 6 miles. 

So take those rest days.  It will be hard at first, you'll almost feel jittery.  But remember, rest days are as crucial to your training as the 4 mile speed work you did the day before. 

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